I really do not know what to put on this website, but I can tell what I am learning at the moment as I am making this website. What I am literally learning right now as I am creating the third website is the background color and how to insert images to the websites. I am starting to almost forget some codes, but I think that I will be fine for a few months before I am actually at the moment where I literally forget some codes that I will have to search themn up. 10/31/16
What else whould I talk about on this website? I don't know. I think that I will talk about what is happening each day. So, today I am learning about doing a movie review website that I have to do. Umm... It is an assignment, so are all the other websites that I have completed. They were also assignments. I think that my dad thinks that these websites are related to YouTube, but they aren't, but he is proud that I have so many views.That's good. I am a freshman in high school and as soon as I got a C for the first time in high school, my dad is instantly worried about my college. Like, why? Why should he be worried about my college? isn't it too early to worry about that stuff? When I got a B- on a math test (Math 1+ H), my mom was about to say,"You didn't get an A." but then she said,"Well, at least you're improving." I was SO disappointed in my parents. Again, this is another example of me not liking to be Asian. 11/3/16